Originally Posted by mikechannon
Website valuation sites are notorius for being crazily inaccurate when it comes to valuing Forum sites and Blogs. They tend to be based on assumptions about traffic, potential sales and ad clicks. Few Blogs and Forums sell much if anything and that just leaves ad clicks. Forums are very poor at generating ad clicks as Members tend to become completely blind to the ads and don’t click them at all. Much of the traffic to blogs and forums is repeat traffic and they are even less likely to click on the ads (not to mention ad blockers). When was the last time you click an ad on here!?
Originally posted by swiss420
Maybe something to expand on….
Found a website that analyzes the value of other sites.
What is the Website Value of XDA-Developers.com
It seems that xda-developers.com is being valued at $13.28 Million. With 1.66 Million Pages and with a World Wide rank of 1,806. Compared to that: Htc.com is only worth $12.66 Million Google is ranked 1 worth $8 Billion and Microsoft on rank 19 worth $1 Billion.
source : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8286843&postcount=9
Bravo au forum XDA :)